- SQUAWK 7001
About This Podcast
“Hello, Future Aviators.
Warm Welcome to our exclusive Podcast channel, SQUAWK-7001
SQUAWK-7001 is here to inspire and empower you, to reach for the skies and soar high in a fulfilling career as a pilot in India.
In the upcoming episodes of this exciting podcast series, we’ll be providing you with the most comprehensive insights to help you achieve your dream of becoming a pilot.
This podcast is here to help the Pilots in the making, through their journey, with information and insights from the people in the industry, in taking a decision, in planning your career and help you progress.
We helped more than 3000 students through their journey during the last ten years and what’s most unique about this is, the journey of every student different in its own way.
This podcast is for the Pilots, for the Pilots in the Making and for the people who are willing to help Pilots in the making. Through this channel, we would like to help and guide students who are aspiring to become airline pilots.
Squawk-7001 will try to connect Pilots with Pilots in the making.
Flight Training is not merely learning to fly a plane. It’s a process in which an aviator is borne. This is where you acquire knowledge, develop skills, and learn to transform yourself into a whole new persona.
Squawk-7001 is here to help you in this. The podcast platform can be used as a single source of information, and you would find answers to all the questions you might have today and may be tomorrow. If you can’t find, don’t worry. You can just post your question to me, and rest assured, you will get an answer to that. The podcast channel will help you understand what is expected from a professional pilot, from airlines perspective.
How do you train and prepare for this most exciting and rewarding career. What are the growth prospects and pros and cons of this profession. How to choose the right school and right training and what are the factors to be considered while doing so? What are the skills sets required to become a successful professional Pilot and much more.
Squawk-7001 will help you understand the science behind flight, help you develop in depth theoretical knowledge of various aviation subjects. You will get to listen to the real Captains, airline pilots, Flight Instructors, Ground Instructors giving you helpful tips and insights, as well as students sharing their experiences.
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